Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Causes Of Oil Spills

The Causes Of Oil Spills

A ship sailing over the Deepwater Horizon spill in The Gulf Of Mexico.

---Oil spills happen for several reasons---

The causes of oil spills differ, according to the circumstances. For example, oil pipes, oil tankers, water vehicles,  human actions and oil drilling.

Oil Pipes: They are one of the most common causes of oil spills, mostly because of the unconsciousness of the oil companies and the carelessness of human beings. The oil pipes are usually for tapping the oil and are to rusted and old, so they break easily due to either something that caused it to break, or that the pipes were not secure, so it accidentally spilled too much oil than meant to.

Oil Tankers: Oil tankers are like vessels, or boats that carry oil over to other countries. Usually, the oil gets lit up and explodes, spilling to oil into the ocean. Oil tankers also count as vehicles in the ocean, which also pollutes it. Even if one tanker spills only 1 liter of oil, 1000 tankers would spill 1000 liters of oil into the ocean.

Water Vehicles: These vehicles may seem harmless and about 50% of the world have experienced them. These vehicles, unlike the land vehicles spill oil instead of smoke, which creates air pollution. The oil spills a bit at a time, but along time, it has created a lot of pollution. Although there are many non-pollution vehicles, these are still very popular than the eco vehicles.

Human Actions: This might as well fit for every category, since all of this really started because of human's carelessness and unconsciousness. 


Don't think that oil spills only affect humans, they also have a humungous effect on animals, like sea birds, sea animals and the plants in the ocean like corals sand seaweed.

Birds may not effect the oil from below, but they effect it from above. It's either die from hunger, or die from drowning. When the birds swoop to go get the fish, they get stuck in the oil and it sticks their wings together, enabling them to fly and eventually die.

The water plants are also hugely affected, since the oil contaminates the coral and kills it. It destroys the beauty of our oceans.

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