Monday, February 29, 2016

Our Website List

Videos And Websites Relevant To Oil Spill

Note: These contents are not by us and we do not own any of these stuff. They are taken from either YouTube or Google. The perspectives in the videos and websites are not by any chance stereotypist and we are not taking any sides.

Category 1: Shell And The Niger Delta Oil Spill

Video Posted By: Chastrie
Date Posted: February 20th, 2010
Summary: The truth of what Shell is doing and how it affects the planet. The voice is what the Shell company is telling us, but what really is happening is in the video.

Date (Since): 2014
Summary: This is an organization in UK (United Kingdom) that is an activist website. It has plenty of information on oil spill, especially more on Shell and the truth behind the scenes.

Video Posted By: shellapologies
Date Posted: March 28th, 2010
Summary: This video features Bradford Houppe, who is the vice president of the Ethical Affairs Committee at Shell, coming out and apologizing in public for Shell’s bad affect on the environment, although many still think that the words are just words, yet the effect, is still happening.

Video Posted By: Balal Ahmad
Date Posted: June 3rd, 2009
Summary: This is a very touching and sad video on what happens in Nigeria, where Shell does the most of the drilling. It also features Ken Saro-Wiwa, a writer and environmental activist who is the leader of the whole change. He got killed by the Nigerian government because Shell sentenced him and the 8 colleagues (John Kpuinen, Saturday Doobee, Felix Nuate, Daniel Gbokoo and Barinem Kiobel) who helped him, to death.

Video Posted By: The Global Report TV
Date Posted: June 17th, 2009
Summary: Shell decided to pay $15.5 million dollars to cover up the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa.

Video Posted By: Amnesty International
Date Posted: November 9th, 2011
Summary: This is what happened to the people in Niger Delta. This is what Shell did to them and how the oil spill affects them and their lives.

Video Posted By: Journeyman Pictures
Date Posted: July 9th, 2012
Summary: This is a short documentary about what life is like in the Niger Delta in many points of views like the villagers, who can’t fish anymore, the three illegal workers who started a business in Nigeria selling oil that they have to filter by hand, Nigeria’s Shell’s CEO, who thinks that they didn’t do anything and the government of Nigeria who is partnering with Shell. Shell also wrote in the form that they were supposed to record about the oil spill, that the spill was about 20 barrels, but can 20 barrels cover up the whole river?

Video Posted By: The Guardian
Date Posted: October 8, 2013
Summary: This video is what happened to cause the huge oil spill in the Niger Delta that changed the lives of many. A few years ago, there had been a huge explosion caused by an oil site that was owned by Shell. It blown up the area and oil leaked from the pipes. The people of the Niger Delta are sure that Shell knew that this site had very high risks of blowing up, since they had put the military, or the people guarding the site about 100 meters away from the actual area. This site is a place where oil is often tapped off, making oil slowly spill from it each day. The Shell company in Nigeria had said that oil was being stolen in Bodo (Niger Delta) and that the contractors were not involved. Shell runs the area now, and the people do not get any money from the oil. Shell accused the people of stealing the oil from the pipe lines, but they say that they didn’t. The pipes aren’t that easily broken and only the people with engines and electricity can break in, so they think that it’s the rich that is stealing it.

Website By: Shell Company
Date: 2016
Summary: This is a section in the Shell website about the oil spill. This time, it is in Shell’s point of view and what they think they have done and what they can do.

Website By: Boomer and Dr. Skimmer
Date: Unknown
Summary: This tells you what equipments are used during an oil spill. It may give you an idea of what we can raise money to buy to support the people in Nigeria.

Oil Spills Can Cause Cancer

The Effects Of Oil Spills

Fish oil causes cancer in many people.

Oil may be a daily life need for many, but did you know that breathing in contaminated oil can cause cancer? Experts like Professor Bongsup Cho says that the hydrocarbons found in crude oil, such as methane, hexane and octane can evaporate quickly in the ocean, even before humans get a whiff of them. People or victims, including animals can get cancer quickly by living near any polluted rivers or bays. Everyday of breathing oil can end up getting you killed.

Humans can get effect by the contaminated oil by breathing it, drinking it or even touching it. Some symptoms are experiencing nausea, headaches, eye, nose, throat irritation.

Wikipedia: Health Consequences--- CLICK HERE
Can Oil Spills Cause Cancer--- CLICK HERE

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Causes Of Oil Spills

The Causes Of Oil Spills

A ship sailing over the Deepwater Horizon spill in The Gulf Of Mexico.

---Oil spills happen for several reasons---

The causes of oil spills differ, according to the circumstances. For example, oil pipes, oil tankers, water vehicles,  human actions and oil drilling.

Oil Pipes: They are one of the most common causes of oil spills, mostly because of the unconsciousness of the oil companies and the carelessness of human beings. The oil pipes are usually for tapping the oil and are to rusted and old, so they break easily due to either something that caused it to break, or that the pipes were not secure, so it accidentally spilled too much oil than meant to.

Oil Tankers: Oil tankers are like vessels, or boats that carry oil over to other countries. Usually, the oil gets lit up and explodes, spilling to oil into the ocean. Oil tankers also count as vehicles in the ocean, which also pollutes it. Even if one tanker spills only 1 liter of oil, 1000 tankers would spill 1000 liters of oil into the ocean.

Water Vehicles: These vehicles may seem harmless and about 50% of the world have experienced them. These vehicles, unlike the land vehicles spill oil instead of smoke, which creates air pollution. The oil spills a bit at a time, but along time, it has created a lot of pollution. Although there are many non-pollution vehicles, these are still very popular than the eco vehicles.

Human Actions: This might as well fit for every category, since all of this really started because of human's carelessness and unconsciousness. 


Don't think that oil spills only affect humans, they also have a humungous effect on animals, like sea birds, sea animals and the plants in the ocean like corals sand seaweed.

Birds may not effect the oil from below, but they effect it from above. It's either die from hunger, or die from drowning. When the birds swoop to go get the fish, they get stuck in the oil and it sticks their wings together, enabling them to fly and eventually die.

The water plants are also hugely affected, since the oil contaminates the coral and kills it. It destroys the beauty of our oceans.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Central Idea & Lines Of Inquiry In Chinese

Central Idea: People take action to protect our oceans from contaminated oil. --- 人们需要采取行动保护海洋不被石油污染。


Lines Of Inquiry:
Causation- The effect of the oil spills.
Perspective- Different perspectives of oil spills.
Responsibility- Humans are responsible to protect the ocean.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Turning Cooking Oil Into Biodiesel

Hi! Did you ever know that you could turn oil into biodiesel? Well, I've never known it either. This video demonstrates how you can easily turn your used cooking oil into Biodiesel and brew it in your house. This is part of our project.


Biodiesel In Thailand--- CLICK HERE
Preparing The Cooking Oil Wikihow--- CLICK HERE
Turning Vegetable Oil Into A Liter Of Biodiesel--- CLICK HERE
Images--- CLICK HERE
Biodiesel Workshop Presentation--- CLICK HERE

PTT Pipelines Map

Download the map HERE

Oil Spill In Rayong, Thailand

An oil spill in Rayong, Thailand occurred a few years ago, due to the PTT oil company. The oil leaked out and destroyed Koh Chang, a beautiful island with white sand and clear sea water. There were some Thai and foreign volunteers that helped cleaned up the oil spill. PTT apologized a few days after the event, saying that it was mechanical problems.

Oil Spill- Thai Visa--- CLICK HERE
Rayong Oil Spill Wikipedia--- CLICK HERE
Top 16 Facts Of The Rayong Oil Spill (Video)--- CLICK HERE
Oil Spill Reaches Rayong (Video)--- CLICK HERE


Our Central Idea

A central idea is a main sentence or two on what we are focusing on.

Our Current Central Idea:
Reaching a resolution during periods or moments of conflict is influenced by the actions and reactions of all involved.

Our New Central Idea:
People take action to protect the ocean from contaminated oil.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Recycled Oil Project

Hi! This is a project that we will make happen in Thailand. It will start small, but we hope that you readers from different countries well tell others and try to make it happen.

How Does It Work?
We will place a trash can in different streets. People can drop off the used oil in bottles in them. In the afternoon, a company can come and collect it and turn it into petroleum. People who go all the way to give it to PTT and not use the trash cans will get a sticker per bottle. The bottle must be full. Once you get up to 20 stickers, you get about 1 liter of free petroleum if you refill your gas at the PTT gas stations.

The oil problems these days are also caused by us. When the oil gets dirty when you cook, you either pour it in the trash or the sink. The pipes that are connected to the sink leads to a river which leads to the ocean. It then will kill the animals near it.


The Oil Spill Group

Our Lines Of Inquiry

Incase you don't know what lines of inquiry are, it is 3 lines of inquiry. They are sentences that tell you what we are researching in.

Right now we have:
Perspective--- The perspective of the oil companies and the victims.
Causation--- The effect of the oil spill.
Responsibility--- People are responsible to protect the ocean.
These are not certain yet, so PLEASE COMMENT and suggest new things that we should inquire into. It is supposed to be sentences, but questions will work too.


Oldest Man In Australia Knits Clothes For Penguins

Ever heard of Down-Under? Well this man in Australia knits clothes for penguins who have been recently affected by an oil spill. This isn't all, this man is 109 and the oldest man in Australia. 

Take action today and help the cause of oil spills.

This is to all crafters. Use your skills to help the Aussie penguins. Help the world.


Monday, February 15, 2016

A Little More About Us

Hi! We are the people behind this blog. My name is Bloomy and our group is Mim, Nisha and Jaden.

Why are you doing this?
Well, we are basically doing this for the exhibition, but if you are expecting a deep and sincere answer, then we are doing this to help prevent, lessen and also clean up the oil spills all over the globe. But first, we'll start locally.

What is an oil spill?
Funny you ask, because an oil spill is literally an OIL SPILL. But if you need a definition, then an oil spill is a spill of liquid petroleum cased by humans.

How does this affect us?
Oil spills not only affect the victims, but it also affects the oil price. It also makes the air polluted and our oceans and environment polluted.

Then how does it affect the victims?
The oil spills can not only harm the animals near it and in the ocean, but can also harm humans. When the water evaporates, it evaporates oil in it, making our air bad and the people near it will be inhaling oil, which is also a cause of cancer. Many people also make a living by fishing, and now the people (like in the Niger Delta) cannot fish and don't have clean water, money and any fish to eat.

What is the case of the Nigeria oil spill?
We are not taking sides here, but Shell "accidentally" polluted the rivers and refuse to clean it up. The people in the Niger Delta then protested, which caused the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa and 8 other colleagues. Again, we are not taking sites.

What happened to cause the Niger Delta spill?
A Shell had a base in the Niger Delta. Then, the pipes that usually tap the oil leaked out and created an explosion, causing an oil spill. The villagers accused the Shell people of being aware of this, because they stayed about 100 meters from the actual site.